Friday, 30 January 2009

Weh mir, oh weh

That's German, that. You can have that nugget of linguistic marvel for FREE, motherfucker. A little bit of polyglot self-pity, just for you, and you, and yooooo-hoooo-ooooo. Sorry, turned into Jim'll Fix It, there. Hopefully your head is as full of jewelry-bedecked old duffers in tracksuits bouncing nippers on their knees and leering at them as mine is. It would only be fair.

See, that's why I could never call this blogging. It's also why I could never write anything of any actual note. A cheap quip waves cheekily at me from across the textual way, I go steaming right in. I can't resist. Thomas Hardy's Return of the Native would have been a HELL of a lot funnier if I've written it. It would also have never have been published.

Anyway, I realised I hadn't stained the internet with any of my brain juice this year (well, I have, just not here), so I thought I should rectify it. And now I have.

Weh mir, oh weh indeed.


Anonymous said...

Willkommen zurück Fremde

Onion Terror said...

My limited inherent German-ness, when allied to common-sense, makes that "welcome back, stranger" - I've wilfully added the final R, feel feel free to correct me.

You've been blogularly busy, I see (it's all relative), puts me to shame. More withering Millie commentary would be good though, unless you've been expending it all on IYLISMWDYGLT (not really read it much since the comments were switched back on - it still has posts by Alex and Kelvin and, well, they somewhat suck, and that puts me off).

Either way, hi! and also ta!