Friday, 3 October 2008


So yeah, I stayed up and that. Watched the debate between Joe Budden and Michael Palin. Christ those two have changed a bit. Palin is a blithering flid, and Ol' Joe did really quite well, making almost no spectacular blunders of any kind. Palin refused to answer any questions, thinking that asserting "I may not be able to answer all the questions as you may expect" allows her to ignore the questions and blather slogans from a crib sheet for 90 seconds at a time. My favourite bit was Biden laying the Maverick Smacketh Down on her after she'd said "maverick" in connection with John "Freakishly Tiny Hands" McCain about 30 times. In summary, it's over to Ollie the Weatherdude:


1. Inspiral Carpets - Bitches Brew
Not fixed at all, I promise. She's a mother, you know. Her in depth policy outlines consist of yelping "I DONE A CHILD! I SPEAKED A HOCKEY!" over and over and over again. And making travelogue television series, of course. The Inspirals don't approve and entirely fail to cover Miles Davis in the process.

2. Muse - Exo Politics
Take the "o" out of the title, and you have the effect rendered on the US presidential election by Sarah Palin. There is no such person as Senator O'Biden, Palin. Muse make a muse-like sound. It's a fine line between having a distinctive sound, and all the songs sounding the bloody same you know, Matt.

3. The (St. Thomas) Pepper Smelter - Words of Pain
Oh the sweet, Peruvian garage irony. I will twist each and every song to meet my thematic ends. She does seem to finds words painful. Well, not so much the words, more the putting them into any semblance of a coherent, pertinent order. Joe did not "preference" his statement with the Bush Administration, Palin. He possibly prefaced it, but I doubt he has any Bushwards preferences. Apart from in the rude sense, of course. He looks a bit of a sly old fox, tbh/f.

4. Tony Christie - Avenues and Alleyways
Theme tune to The Protectors, dontcha know. Struggling a bit with this one, so I'll just content myself with warbling along, instead. She'd probably invade Spain if McCain took his tiny hands to the clumsy war veterans agency in the sky whilst president. They don't trust Spain. Damn Paellofascists.

5. The Cramps - You Got Good Taste (Live)
Here's hoping. You can't normally slip a gnat's chuff between American political candidates (if that's the sort of thing that turns you on, insectological chuffvert), but surely you American types can't actually vote for McCain with her on the ticket. He's old, tiny-handed and prone to carking it over the course of the four years. She'd then be in charge. She believes in the rapture - what the giddy christ would keep her finger off the button (not that button - I reckon her god frowns a bit of secret fapping).

6. Duran Duran - Come Undone
Glossing over the really quite odd selections being made by sPazAmp (although I'll not hear a word said about the Duran. Mainly because I have the world's oddest, and most specific, deafness), you'd think the Katie Couric interviews would have done this to her. But no, thick people can be so politically tribal that she's actually solidifying the core 35-40% or so, as they sit there blithely asserting that she was focused, concise and to the point in her "answers". Just so long as she carries on digusting the remainder of the world, that'll do for me.

7. The Lost Souls - Witch Hunt
It so isn't, Lost Souls. Although that's what you'd get if you were pregant after being raped by your own parent, if Palin had her way. What does she care? Jesus is flying down to collect her in his spaceship at some point!

8. The Temptations - My Girl
This is me raising an eyebrow. In type.

9. Sweet - Wig Wam Bam
Sex in a tent!

10. Furniture - Brilliant Mind
Even Furniture are taking the piss. In the past. With a mighty fucking fine song.

11. John Zorn - A Shot in the Dark
It's how they picked her. FACTUS MAXIMUS.

12. Cheater Slicks - Child of the Moon
Well, I doubt she's human.

13. Melvins - Spineless (feat. Skeleton Key)
No, just brainless.

14. Bir Yagmur Masili - Nasil ne Zaman
It's it Turklish. I don't know what it means. It's nice, though. Six minutes long, too, timefans.

15. Moaners - Chasing the Moon
Bit of a fruitless exercise I would have thought. Sadly, it's an instrumental, so we aren't privy to their views on the matter.

16. Redman - How to Roll a Blunt
Unfortunately it isn't about James Blunt, and it doesn't have "in a carpet and beat him senseless" in brackets after the title.

17. Gas Huffer - Mistake
Poor Tom Price :(

18. Pink Floyd - Lost for Words
Sadly, she wasn't . Lost for sense and direct answers, yes. Words, no. Doggone it.

19. Mad Sin - Ich Kann Nich' Schlafen
Neither can Ich. Ich think.

20. Del Raney's Umbrellas - Can Your Hossie do the Dog?
No, but she can govern Alaska and run for vice-president.



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