Thursday 18 October 2007

The sPazTune hits its stride...

It's a wonky, disturbing stride, but it hits it regardless. It's hits it repeatedly and doesn't stop hitting it until it has beaten it to a pulp. It's savage that way. Here we go again...

I'm feeling emboldened by buggering off from work early, so what more productive way to spend the bonus time than by daring iTunes to choose what I listen to. Well, yes, there are lots of more productive ways to spend the bonus time, I am quite well aware of that. But there will be time to make crumpets later.

1. Sexton Ming - Birds With Teeth
He says 'chimleys' in it. If you any further recommendation than that, then you need help.

2. The Electric Prunes - Get Me To The World On Time
Good Effort - the albums only has three good songs on it, and it chose one of them. I'm struggling to think of an album that contrasts such high points with such an alarming amount of filler.

3. Dennis Wilson - You Are So Beautiful (Live)
No, I don't see how he manages to sing like that when he can barely speak, either.

4. The Prisoners - I'm Looking For You
With a bassline nicked from Stranger on the Town by The Damned. Still, they used it bloody well. Also contains various elements that, when viewed correctly, make The Inspiral Carpets seem like an oddly named tribute band.

4a. Mudhoney - .28
It's 28 seconds long. It isn't a song. I'm not going to count it.

5. The Milkshakes - Shimmy Shimmy
Ah, it's on a roll, a great big Medway roll. Top stuff.

6. Curtis Mayfield - Junkie Chase
Well, until now, when it has chosen to make its regular funk indulgence. Funkdulgence. Everyone should have a funkdulgence now and again. I have several a day.

7. Kid Koala - Stompin' at Le Savoi
Harmonica AND scratching. It's the song that has everything.

8. DJ Mark The 45 King - First Choice

Yes, there was more to him than the 900 Number, much more. Well, at least pretty good albums. This one isn't the best though. It certainly wouldn't be my, ahem, first choice.

9. Buff Medways - Fire

Well this is no fun. Well it is fun, as I often listen to it and think it's splendid. But that isn't the point. Show me the tarnished underbelly of my music collection, iTunes, and do it now!

10. DJ Yoda - Yoda's 80 Pop Megamix (feat. Rick Astley, Bomb the Bass, Hall & Oates, Five Star, Taylor Dayne)
Nice try, iTunes, but this is far too good to constitute a tarnished underbelly. Everyone should be forced to own all three Cut'n'Paste albums. And I can still name all of Five Star (and their Dad). I know some of you are taking notes.

11. Jethro Tull - Son
As a wise man once said to me about Queen, it really is a concern being a completist for a band with a three gillion year career, on account of the occasional decade of shite they spill forth. Happily, this song doesn't form part of that, being as it is from Benefit and utterly grand. Moreover, I cunningly avoided that very pitfall by consigning everything they recorded after, ooh, Heavy Horses to the very back of the record collection and not letting them ever see the light of day. May you rot in hell, Crest of a Knave.

12. Unsane - Blood Boy
iTunes seems to think it is compulsory to include some bands every time. WHY? There's sodding thousands upon thousands upon thousands of songs in there, and many many many artists. As much as I like Unsane, you don't have to put one in every time, you technospaz. It's very good, by the way, an instrumental, if you're interested.

13. Edgar Broughton Band - Freedom
Ah, Edgar. What a wonderful, wonderful band you had. Shame no bugger cares except me. Oh, and David Holmes (well, for one song).

14. Andre Williams - Bacon Fat
Only very marginally inferior to the incomparable Jail Bait. Ha'mercy, indeed.

15. The Prime Movers - Misled
Ooh, my favourite Prime Movers song, lovely. It was also clearly the Charlatans favourite, as they nicked every little last bit of it they could, and then repeated it in their own inimitable, hamfister, tone deaf way. For several decades. Hamfister was a typo by the way, but I think it suits them well enough not to change it.

16. The Who - The Seeker (BBC Session)

Not my favourite Who song, but then it is up against some very stiff competition indeed. S'alright, I suppose. Doesn't swagger quite as much as the regular version. I've had it pointed out to me that this view is apparently erroneous, but I don't care.

17. Jethro Tull - A New Day Yesterday
Seems to be Jethro Tull day today. Another corker, mind, one of the best adverts for the ROCK FLUTE ever (every band should have one, along with a Basalt Bassoon and Metamorphic Mandolin).

18. Revolting Cocks - Attack Ships...(12" Version)

The other half of the title is the other song on the b-side (it's called ...On Fire). Noisy, good, enormous rumbling bass. Good. It's no Beers, Steers & Queers, though.

19. Hawkwind - Silver Machine
Wonderful stuff. Would have been better if it had chosen it to end on, though. Mind you, it probably thinks it is doing as it didn't hear me telling it that .28 didn't count. Stupid earless software.

20. Ronnie Cook & The Gaylads - Goo Goo Muck
A grand way to finish. Plus, it makes you wonder - I have about three trillion Cramps albums on there, and it hasn't chosen a single one yet. Well, it makes ME wonder.

That was fun. I may have tired of it now, though.

I was wrong, I hadn't tired of it. You may well come to wish I had.

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